Thejas Charitable Trust (R)



  1. To make government run schools embodiments of quality education, through voluntary actions of groups and individuals, by engaging with the various stakeholders and by mobilizing local communities to take responsibility of these schools.
  2. To provide fees, books, equipments, scholarship to deserving students
  3. To promote education in all fields and in any manner by establishing/ constructing/ running hostel and by giving fees, or providing books to the poor needy students and by awarding scholarships etc.
  4. Work towards providing quality and affordable education and knowledge to children, women, farmers and youth including adult education and women education.
  5. Provide career guidance to local youth, help in character building, inculcating moral science & building a scientific temper.


  1. To conduct nutritional and health service. (Medical camps)
  2. To render assistance to the handicapped.
  3. To offer medical service, either free or at concessional rates to the poor and sick and disabled and/or contribute for the support of institutions already established for such purposes.
  4. To render assistance to aged and indigent men and women for treatment and medical care which they cannot otherwise afford.


  1. Support conservation of forests, water bodies and natural wealth.
  2. To provide monetary assistance and social service in case of natural calamity.
  3. Educate people to be sensitive to environment, preserving local flora and fauna, natural resources, ground water and soil.
  4. Promote self-help groups and cooperatives for socially useful and productive activities.


  1. To render financial assistance to the poor and disadvantaged.
  2. To promote and advance moral education, charity and general welfare of the people.
  3. To render assistance to orphaned, indigent and other less-privileged children for their subsistence, shelter and education and medical care and to establish social welfare institutions engaged in promoting these specific objectives.
  4. To contribute materially and otherwise for the solution of problems of children and women in general.
  5. To work with the community for the overall development of the locality.
  6. To promote universal brotherhood among all sections of people.
  7. To work towards the upliftment of the poor and weaker sections of the society.
  8. To promote healthcare and medical facilities in the society.
  9. Promote local tourism, culture & sports (including science, literature, music, drama, fine arts etc)
  10. Encourage and promote entrepreneurship & innovation in the youth.
  11. To accept donation either in cash, or in kind and to utilize the same towards fulfilment of the objectives of the Trust
  12. To feed poor students and to start free student homes and free hostels.